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Friday, November 30, 2012

Patch 5.1 Monk Nerf Follow Up

Last night I went into my second raid night after the patch 5.1 nerfs, and I learned some more that might be worth mentioning in regards to the nerf.  We downed the Bladelord in Heart of Fear, and got a lot of work on Garalon.  On the bladelord, despite fistweaving most pulls (which is good heals but should not be competing with other classes all out healing), the 20% burn phase, and how good it is for spinning crane kick, allowed me to be in the top two or three every pull.  Our last pull, (the one we downed it on) I tank healed as our tank kept dying due to taking too high of stacks.  That pull, I was much more in line with my usual output.

Bladelord is a great fight for Mistweavers, despite the nerf, because there just isn't a lot of aoe damage, and when there is, the raid is almost always stacked, and so spinning crane kick is better.  I still used renewing mist on cd, but it was a lot more overheal then normal, which makes its nerf much less noticeable.  I also used xuen instead of rushing jade wind, because even though rushing jade wind likely would have given more heal numbers (but not by much), xuen gave a big dps boost that helped us get a bit more time to work with at the end before the enrage. (I know that the damage is minimal compared to a all out dps, but even 20k dps while healing is better then nothing)

After we got done with bladelord, we moved on to Garalon, which was the best fight by far on LFR for the mistweaver.  The only one even close was Elegon, and yet with the increased damage involved in garalon, monk heals were insane on that fight.  This is the fight that I think the nerf most hurt us on.  I consistently was in the 70-80k heals per second area on every pull last night, and that was with renewing mist only going to two targets instead of three.  Renewing Mist was about a 1/3 of my healing, with uplift accounting for about 20%.  So that means half that 80k was due to the spells affected by the nerf.  So if 40k was due to nerfed spells and adding another spread hot would result in 33% more healing, then I would likely have gotten 10-12k more healing pre- nerf.  That would have put me at 80-90k.  Our top healer was doing around 90k per pull, and he has about 7 ilvl better then me, so you can see that had the nerf not happened I would have been tying his output with significantly less ilvl.  That would be AWESOME, but also not very fair to him, so as you can see, as much as the nerf sucks, it was needed to bring healing back in line with other healers.

Despite all that though, the rest of our healing team was struggling to keep up 50k heals.  I don't mean to critique them too hard.  That fight with all its spreading is best aoe healed by a monk, a holy priest, or a druid.  We did not have a druid, and the other classes were a pally, two shaman and a disc priest.  So it is understandable they would be lower then me and the holy priest, but if you were one of those classes, struggling to maintain 50k (side note, I do think they could have been higher, just trying to not be too critical and understand the mechanics), and then seeing a poorly geared monk (I am not really poorly geared, just a good 5 to 10 ilvls behind the a late start) killing your heals and competing with the holy priest who is the best healer in the guild, I think I would be annoyed too and complain they need to be nerfed.

So again, while the nerf sucks on fights like elegon and garalon, it was needed.  And the best part is that, on fights like bladelord, it hardly affects us at all.

Just an update for those who care.  We progressively got Garalon lower and lower throughout the night, until we got him down to 9% on our last pull when he enraged, so with a little better pheremone management and little more dps, we will get him, hopefully this sunday (even though I won't be there, have prior commitments).

P.S.  Just a side note, and I need to do more research before I officially announce it.  Xuen was really acting wierd on the garalon fight, not wanting to attack anything, so I switched to chi tornado (I think that is what it is called), so I could heal while moving into position.  Might not be the best way to handle that fight, but I just couldn't seem to get xuen to be his usual epic self.

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